Community Council

In the fall of 2019, the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) requested that all New Mexico school districts establish a Superintendent’s/Executive Director’s Equity Council.

This Council will be a local-level team that will help inform the district’s actions and solutions in response to Martinez/Yazzie. This group is responsible for addressing key areas related to Martinez/Yazzie and the four deliverables:

1.     readiness assessment

2.     equity plan

3.     culturally and linguistically responsive (CLR) frameworks

4.     funding report

The Community Council will provide updates to and collaborate with the school boards and school governing bodies. The Superintendent’s Executive Director’s Equity Councils are an advisory; they do not make final decisions or policy.

Gilbert Sena HS Community Council

This is a group of students, parents, community, and staff who want to transform our school environment into a safe, equitable, inclusive, diverse, and culturally and linguistically responsive place. In addition to the equity council response, we are seeking community members to participate with us. We are currently seeking external community members to support our school. If you are interested in learning more and signing up to take part in this SENA Community Council, please reach out to Mr. Burnett at


Community Council Members:

Robert Burnett, School Staff

TBD, School Staff


TBD, Student

TBD, CYFD Mentor

Jenn Pena, Industry Mentor

Gilbert L. Sena Charter High School

69 Hotel Circle NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
Copyright © , Gilbert L. Sena Charter High School
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