Dual Credit Opportunities

Dual Credit Opportunities

We offer multiple opportunities for dual credit success. While we work hard on Accuplacer Scores, we are exited to offer the following dual credit classes.


CSE 1101 - College Success

Credit: 1.0         Grade Level: 10-12   Recommended: Reading Accuplacer score of 69 or better.

Students are introduced to academic and personal skills essential for college success.  Topics include techniques for time management, learning strategies, test preparation, decision making, critical thinking, and applied research.  Students learn to create success by applying proven principles for active learning, self-motivation, self-management, self-awareness, and interdependence.  This course meets daily for one semester.


FIN 1010 – Financial Literacy: Making Money Work

Credit: 1.0         Grade Level: 11-12                      Prerequisite: None. 

Students are introduced to the basics of money management and financial skills necessary to meet real-world challenges. It is interactive and will cover concepts and decision making through illustration and real-life problems.  Topics include budgeting, managing money, borrowing money and planning for the future.  This is an on-line course which meets daily with an on-site facilitator.


IT 1010 – Introduction to Computers

Credit: 1.0         Grade Level: 10-12         Recommended: Reading Accuplacer score of 80 or better. 

Students are introduced to fundamental computer literacy, which includes hardware and software topics with lecture and hands-on instruction.  Computer applications include operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and the basics of using networked computers (e.g., e-mail and internet). This course meets daily for one semester.


OTECH 1101 – Beginning Keyboarding

Credit: 1.0         Grade Level: 10-12                      Prerequisite: None

Develops proper keyboarding technique to achieve speed and accuracy. A minimum average of 25 wpm on three five-minute timings is required. This course will integrate keyboarding instruction with mouse navigation, the Internet, file management, and word processing.

Gilbert L. Sena Charter High School

69 Hotel Circle NE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
Copyright © , Gilbert L. Sena Charter High School
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